AN EXAMPLE OF WHY WE DO INGOING PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORTS It is not always easy picking the right tenant but it is worth the extra work...
We’ve welcomed Daniel Toms to our Sales Team! Driven by an exceptional work ethic, Daniel Toms is an exemplary member of our sales team....
RENTAL DEMAND: CONVENIENCE IS STILL THE WINNER What really separates rental properties in the minds of tenants, and what will they actually pay more for?...
Autumn is the new Spring when it comes to Selling Houses Ah Autumn! As the leaves are turning and the temperature falls, we start thinking...
Changes to the residential tenancy laws start on 23 March 2020, with amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 and the new Residential Tenancies Regulation...
LENGTH OF TENANCY: WHAT USUALLY WORKS OUT BEST? It is most common for a lease agreement term to be fixed for either six months or...
The last quarter of the year in 2019 has produced three of the strongest selling months that Guardian Realty has seen in many years! Despite...
SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT PROPERTY: WHY GOING GREEN COUNTS Caring about the environment we live in: it’s not merely the concern of your dread-locked cousin or raw...
With risk of sounding a little cliché… as the Hills District’s weather heats up, so does its property market! The last few months have produced...
We might be in the middle of the cold season, but the real estate market is showing all the signs of heating up again! Some...